
Sandlands Allotment Committee Meeting to be held at 6pm on 23.07.24 – St Peter’s Church Hall

The Annual meeting of the Sandlands Allotment Committee will be held at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at St.Peter’s Church Hall, Seaview.


1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair

2. Apologies for Absence.

3. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th November 2023.

4. To elect a committee member to fill the current vacancy.

5. To agree the plot rates to remain unchanged for 2024/25.

6. To receive the financial report for 2023/2024

7. To discuss and agree areas of site management:

a. Pathways

b. Exchange bench

c. Gateway to Plot 1

d. Future of tap by Plot 46

8. To discuss and set the date of the next meeting

9. Open Forum – this is for information only and no resolutions can be made during this item.

Draft minutes of the previous meeting can be found here: Draft Committee Minutes – 14.11.2023 (draft)