Neighbourhood / Parish Plan

Neighbourhood / Parish Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Update – #3 May 2024:

Local Community Ideas – The Next Stage Consultation Now Closed – Thank you for Taking Part.

The “Next Stage Consultation” for the Neighbourhood Plan is now closed – thank you to all of you who took the time to complete the survey and engage with the process.

Neighbourhood Plan Update – #2 March 2024:

Local Community Ideas – The Next Stage Consultation Now Open Until May 12th 2024!

“Have you completed the Nettlestone and Seaview Neighbourhood Plan “Local Community Ideas – The Next Stage Consultation?” – Thank you to all who participated in the consultation on
the Neighbourhrood Plan late last year You emphasised the strong sense of community in Nettlestone & Seaview, as well as highlighting key qualities and characteristics, such as its coastal setting and natural environment. We have now prepared a vision, objectives and first set of policy ideas based on your comments. We’d like your views on these. Are we heading in the right direction?

Please let us know by completing the survey here: Click Here

For further information about the visions and objectives click here :Ideas Document

The Parish Council will have a stall at the May Day Street Fayre. Please come along, view the material and tell us what you think:
May Day Street Fayre, Monday 6th May, 10am to 1pm – Madeira Road, Seaview

Neighbourhood Plan Update – #1 March 2024:

Local Green Space Consultation Now Closed – Thank you For Responding.

Neighbourhood Plan Update – February 2024:

Local Green Space Consultation Now Open for the month of February 2024!

“Have you completed the Nettlestone and Seaview Neighbourhood Plan Local Green Space Survey? – Your opinion matters and you have until February 29th 2024 to complete the questionnaire online – make sure your voice is heard! Please be aware that, in the Spring, we will also be looking to gather your valuable insights on the wider vision, objectives and emerging policy of the Plan.”

Consultation now closed (March 24)

Neighbourhood Plan Update – December 2023:

Following the initial public consultation, Troy P+D analysed the responses from the Community and have produced a ‘vision’ document that the Steering Group can use to help guide the direction of the Neighbourhood Plan – please find a copy of the document here: 2023.11.24_NandS_vision


The Council is now committed to producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the Community, with the Community’s thoughts and aspirations shaping that plan – this page will be used to link directly to items of interest related to the creation of the plan.


Our initial survey has now closed – please keep an eye on this page for further updates.

Parish Plan History:

In 2017 a 10 year Parish Plan was produced by a working group headed up by the former Chairman of the parish Council ‘Vilma Barraclough’ – a copy of the plan can be found here: Parish Plan

A supplementary Planning document was produced in conjunction with the Parish Plan and can be found here: Draft SPD – Nettlestone and Seaview Local Plan June 2017