Seaview Dinghy Park

Seaview Dinghy Park


SURVEY 2024/25

If you are a permit holder (or thinking of becoming one) we would like to hear your thoughts on whether to install a water supply at the Dinghy Park – please complete the survey: CLICK HERE

This survey is now closed.

Address and Fees

The council runs a dinghy park in Seaview:

Pier Road Dinghy Park, Pier Road, Seaview, PO34 5BP

The Parish Council has agreed that all fees for 2024/2025 will be as follows:

            ANNUAL £120

(Catamarans and boats over 18ft will be charged at double the rate and require 2 permits)

(Space is available for kayaks/paddle boards at £55 per annum)

            SEASON £90 (1st April – 30th Sept. or lst Oct – 31st March)

For further information, please contact the Clerk.